Happy New Year! As I reflect on 2017 and the roller coaster called life, my heart is full of Gratitude! Thank you to those who give me constant support, love, business, opportunities and new challenges!
I'm not one that makes New Year's resolutions because I'm constantly evolving throughout the year and trying to improve by setting new goals. I think this blog deserves more time and want to provide all with valuable information like below.
You may already be aware or www.TruePeople.com I was not. I typed in my name and every phone number I ever had was linked to it along with every address and a list of all of my family members was detailed. I don't want this type of information floating around so I removed myself. It you want to remove yourself follow the details on this link. If you know of other sites like this please let me know and I will update others.
My contact information is public because I'm a Realtor and want people to be able to find me. Thankfully, I work 100% by referrals so if you have a referral for me please contact me with their contact details and I will take great care of them.
Stacie Dye