Maybe Laughter is the BEST Medicine for our Family...

I was recently visiting my Mama and something came over me. We have a wonderful relationship but get on each other's nerves at times just like every mother and daughter. We both love each other unconditionally (I confirmed this before writing this blog, Lol). She doesn't like it when I talk on the phone when driving and I get annoyed when I have to repeat things (she states that she has selective hearing).... Sarcastic Ha Ha!

During our visit I suggested that instead of us complaining about the same things that bug us about each other that we should just break out in to laughter. We have been doing this for several days now and it has been an interesting experiment that I highly suggest with the people you love. Our laughter has ranged from been crazy funny at times to deep and psychotic at other moments but it works. We are able to move forward faster and enjoy our time together again more quickly. 

By the way: I asked her to let me post a picture of us together and she said, "NO" and started laughing....What have I started? 

WARNING: If you participate in the experiment you need to share this with others or a straight jacket could appear in your future.

Smiles of Joy!

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